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Black Beauty

Author: Anna Sewell


Black Beauty, written by Anna Sewell, was an immediate success upon its publication in 1877 and has sold over 50 million copies. The story is narrated through the eyes of Black Beauty, a handsome horse with a sleek black coat, a white foot, and a silver star on his forehead. The novel follows his life from a happy childhood on a farm to the hardships and cruelty he endures throughout his life. Black Beauty is passed from owner to owner, some kind and others cruel, until he finally finds security and happiness in a new home.

This book is more than just a children’s story; it is a powerful critique of the conditions horses faced during the time, especially those working in the streets of London pulling cabs. Throughout the narrative, Sewell aims to raise awareness about the mistreatment of animals, using Black Beauty as a symbol of endurance and hope.

Black Beauty is regarded as one of the most popular children’s books of all time, yet its message resonates far beyond young readers. It offers a reflection on compassion, kindness, and the fight for justice, touching readers of all ages. The book had a profound impact on how horses were treated, and it is often compared to works like Uncle Tom’s Cabin for its social influence.

With vivid and emotional descriptions, Black Beauty remains a landmark in literature, offering valuable lessons on respect for animals and the importance of empathy.

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